"La Dolce Vita"is a classic film from Federico Fellini that will forever be remembered in film. Mick LaSalle, a writer for the San Fransisco Chronicle wrote, "In this one masterpiece, Federico Fellini achieved the ideal balance -- between social observation and unconscious imagery, between artistic discipline and freedom, and between the neo-realism of 1950s Italian cinema and the orgiastic flights of his later work." LaSalle's description of the movie could not have been said any better. It is true that Federico Fellini achieved an ideal balance between all of the above as well as entertained millions of people over the years. However, when the film was first released it had many issues with the Catholic Church banning it for its sex scenes and they called it a dirty film. Again, Mick LaSalle gives us a great quote saying, "It's not simply that we've become jaded or desensitized, but that the passage of time and the changing of styles have dimmed the glamor of the cafe society Fellini depicted. It no longer looks seductive, just tawdry, and consequently poignant and quite human." Today people may get lost in the film, however, they don't turn it off because it is taboo for it's nudity and sex. Regardless of the slightly desensitized day in age, they story does tell a story about something very human. It is common to see these types of things now and deal with the issues the movie star had to deal with. Over all I would rate this movie ahead of it's time and enjoyable to watch.
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